Latest news

  • Scilly’s Comic Book Kid is a ‘hero’ for local wildlife

    A local school child has smashed expectations by raising an impressive £2,215.49 for the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust. Ted Richards, who is just seven years old, wrote and illustrated his own comic book, the Bryher Bean, which he has sold over 2022 for £2 a copy. Read more

  • Can you help us Keep Scilly Special?

    We are determined to keep our islands special for everyone and for wildlife, encouraging species to thrive and protecting our wild habitats. That’s why we need your help. Any amount that you can donate to our Keep Scilly Special appeal will make a huge difference to our work, saving special species and protecting our unique heritage. Read more

  • Scilly's Seal Pupping Season

    August-November is grey seal pupping season, and on Scilly this means that we’re more likely to see young ‘white coats’ (pups) on our beaches. Whilst most are born in remote locations, big seas can wash them on to the inhabited islands and into direct contact with people. Here’s what to do if you come across a seal pup… Read more