
The Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust is governed (under charity law) by its Memorandum and Articles of Association

These documents are reviewed periodically by the Trustee Board to ensure that they are fit for purpose; this was last undertaken in 2017.

The day to day work of the charity is carried out by the professional staff team, lead by the Interim Chief Executive who is responsible for ensuring the charity delivers the objectives set out in the Strategic Plan.  The Chief Executive also makes sure that the charity is run efficiently and effectively and that a statement of financial accounts is produced each year by our qualified auditor.  

We are registered with the Fundraising Regulator and are members of the Institute of Fundraising. We have a Fundraising Promise which sets out our commitment to fundraise in an ethical way.

Policies & Position Statements

The Board of Trustees agree a set of policies and position statements which guide the Trust in it's day to day work.  We've included those which are relevant to the public. Please note that this list is not exhaustive as new policies are being created and old ones reviewed and revised regularly:

Complaints Policy

Dead Marine Mammals Policy

Cruise Ships

Herbicides Use Policy

Balloons, Sky Lanterns, Streamers & Confetti

Fundraising Complaints Procedure

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Policy

Environmental Policy

Privacy Policy


Membership to the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust is limited to those who are resident in Scilly; for those that aren’t resident please take a look at our Friends opportunities.

As we move forwards we would like our Island community to have input into how we protect the very nature of Scilly; looking after and managing the “wild spaces” and wildlife that calls Scilly home; continuing to make our Islands a special place for both their human inhabitants and the flora and fauna.

Members are also invited to our Annual AGM; the minutes from the latest AGM are available to view below

AGM 2019 - DRAFT Minutes